- Time Zone patch File
- Surplus Pick-up Spreadsheet
- https://webmail.wsfcs.k12.nc.us
- email resources: http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/56169
- available email groups on the Webportal
Kevin Sherrill:
- Overall, The e-mail conversion went well. ~9000 users was a big deal!
- Migration--for most it worked
- Some Known E-mail Issues:
- Some users get kicked out
- There is an 8 hour time limit to be logged in and it will log you out.
- They can't change this :(
- Trying to change the fact that when it logs out it goes to an MS outlook log-in screen vs the WS/FCS mail log-in screen
- Why does the ws/fcs user name and password not work on the MS LIVE log-in page? There is a different cloud password at outlook.com--the password is randomized not like AD
- Kevin wants to know--When it does it happen? just after 8 hours or when doing other things?
- A helpful address to know is:
- https://webmail.wsfcs.k12.nc.us
- Remind folks to book mark this link
- Daylight savings time issue--on computers, time zone was right, date was wrong--this has been causing some errors with mail
- Sometimes resetting browser can clean up issues (tools, Internet options, advanced tab, reset)
- otherwise try running this script: Time Zone patch File
Flag an e-mail will turn it into a task
- Many people like this especially admins, but it will not synchronous to Galaxy phones --It is a known issue with galaxy phones and they are aware of the problem and trying to fix
Email hot links
- People click on email "hot links" on websites, etc. and computers look for locally installed default email program to send a new email
- This used to work lotus notes client users, it will not work with web mail
- Speaking of Lotus Notes, there are a handful of databases and locally archived emails-- is why they still have lotus client
- Can still see old mail on lotus
- email hot links may in fact launch lotus client for those old lotus users, but of course it will no longer "do anything"--bottom line don't use email "hot links" (copy email address and create a new message in email instead)
Other Issues from the audience?
- Attachments. Slow loading?
- Joan Will make a note of it
- Marlo: Sometimes cleaning browser, remove tool bars, etc can improve this slowness
- Dump profiles on those machines might help--Kevin suggested maybe more profile sweeps (but this does not help admin machines)
- Speaking of which--Trend micro has had trouble with updates hitting older machines--Memory and age of machine are a problem
Checking for names
- There are two address books, the global and local contacts
- When you type a name, it does "type ahead cache" so if you have written to them before it comes up
- When someone clicks on the To button-- defaults to global address book
- Most prudent to search by last name
- if you put a comma after name it will search by last name only
- It searches by first part of the hyphenated names
- It searches in active directory
- Had to make active directory names match email address
Email signature spacing
- Low vision version: signature spaces out strangely
- Suggestion: Create the signature using "shift and enter" between the lines
Junk mail
- people are seeing much more--mail rules are the answer
- We are at mercy of ms live filters
- At least Parent emails seem to be getting through better than i-notes
- Kelly from EAST HS--MSN and AOL mails coming thru as HTML? Kevin had not heard that
Email resources
- Under departments/Technology: http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/56169
- Giving access to someone else calendar or sharing
- To actually manage some one's primary calendar--you have to put in a kace ticket.
- Needs to come from person wanting to give access
- But users CAN give rights to any calendars they create that are additional to primary one
- Only personal calendars sync to Galaxy phones
- There are lists of the available email groups on the Webportal
- Some of the ones besides all staff at the schools include: Secretaries, counselors, data managers, curriculum coordinators, principals, tech facilitators, mobile device users, sit chairs, Media coordinators, leadership team, assistants and many more.
- Distribution lists/all the globally supported groups (are based on designation in HR)
- If there is a question about whether a person should be in a group or not, put in a KACE ticket
- So there is a group for all schools but it includes all staff including cafeteria. so if people want other specialized groups, they will have to be manually created
- Sharing groups is difficult so if one person creates it, it is tricky to share them (has to be in right format and proper separation)
- Rights to different groups can be an issue--so some people might not have the right to send an email to certain groups
- There was a problem for about two days with groups that were set up incorrectly
- if people sent to those groups at that time they needed to clear their cache
- how to clear cashe of a bad name or bad group?
- go to a new message, Start to type the name of the bad name or group, Hit delete not back space, then find that group in global address book again
- Groups will be updated daily as changes happen in HR
- Problems happened when people tried adding group names from old contacts from lotus addresses -- if the format was in the old/WSFCS format, people had to pull those names out manually and re-add
Other Comments/Issues:
- Thanks for putting the location in the search--helps distinguish when searching for common names like Debbie Brooks
- Complaint about hard to see screen issue: There is the low vision view--options/all options/settings/accessibility
- affect some other options --just keep that in mind
- Add to the dictionary. Not an option
- Check box issue:
- Remind teachers not to place a check in the check box to open an email click on the words instead
- The check box should be used as an ACTION--to move or delete an email--doing so as resulted in some people inadvertently deleting mail that had not intended to delete.
- Overall, the trend seems to be that former "Lotus Notes Client users" are less happy with the change over than i-notes users (teachers)
- With everything moving to the cloud, the trend is away from client use anyway, so this was a reality that was coming regardless
- Browsers usability is another advantage of this new email
- Speaking of which Google chrome may come out soon as a browser option for school computers
- Another big advantage is the mail file size of 10 GB, tho Email should still not be used for file storage
- Remind teachers again that email should be used only for WSFCS business, not for any personal business--it's school board policy
- There is an individual attachment size limit of 10 MB and 25 total MB per email
- There is a 1500 email limit per day--this could be an issue for people sending several emails to large groups like parent lists
- People should probably use alert now if sending to those types of large group emails
- Local created groups count as the number of members in terms of emails sent, while the school district created global groups count as 1
- So, what about Email on personal phone?
- First of all, they are not preventing people from accessing email on their Smart phones--people can already open email through browsers on those phones
- What teachers are looking to do is access school email via an APP on those phones
- There are a couple of issues:
- Legality of it/Confidentiality issues/policy/gray area
- They are Looking at updating policies
- There is a fine line between promoting it/supporting it
- verses the fact that they can do it
- Teachers that have school blackberries--they have been provided the connection (the cloud password)
- On tablets currently can access email through browsers
- The cloud password has to be provided -- the encrypted one to be able to be set up as app email
- The password could be provided but it is a management issue right now
- m.outlook.com will be the server after the "may changeover", and people will be able to use their active directory user name and password at that time to figure it out
- Only school issued devices can access the "managed wireless"
- Folks should not set up personal email accounts on those school issued devices
- Working on strategy to BYOD. (Bring your own device)
- They are digging into platforms--the best ones they can support and what's best for students--we need guidelines
- Start of next year should have something specific
Race to top progression/Carla Miller
- They are updating the progress spreadsheet on the webportal
- Green and check mark will not be totally complete until all trailers are done
- ~ 30 schools on the new controllers
Spring Surplus Pickup:
- Go thru surplus spreadsheet ( Under info for tech facilitatorsRequest for information/Spring file)
- Surplus anything electronic minus TV's
- Can surplus:
- remotes
- laptop batteries
- Bulbs from projectors
- VCR's
- Monitors
- Overheads (non working)
- Keyboards and mice
- Deskjet printers
- Laser printers (they strip the parts)No personal equipment!!
- Have to check out spreadsheet ( drop down arrow)
- Has outward pointing arrow when checked out
- It is only for non working equipment
- Fill out and save
- Please say yes to check it back in
- They are due Friday April 13
- Same company as we used in the fall
- Only do it twice a year--fall and the spring, not "at your convenience"
- When can we do TV's?
- Trying to find someone to take tv's and not charge for them
- How so we make sure everything gets picked up?
- Separate working and non working
Wake forest laptops
- School district policy says they do not support batteries
- Preferred vendor?
- On website--have used Laptops for less: http://www.laptopsforless.com/
- For teachers
- EReplacements.com for PO/school orders
- Power cords. They are trying to keep a stock.
- But damaged ones sent back to school/damaged screens and damaged keyboards
- Students who damage laptops need to be told and Carla can't pay for those.
- Submit ticket and Carla will get a quote that only lasts for 30 days
- The LCD screen damage is different than cable damage
- Dropped ones they try to repair--accidents happen
Time zone patch/filtering issue
- Posted a fix link is on tech facilitator web portal: https://webportal.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/sites/Techfaq/Shared%20Documents/WindowsXP-TimeZonePatch-ENU/WindowsXP-TimeZonePatch-ENU.exeup
- Under resolutions
- M86 client service is on aicp to help when filtering is not being applied to a machine
- Can also make a link to aicp through run (see Joan's notes)
- They are trying to make the issue box in Kace a paragraph box
- For now, say "see comment below" and then put the rest of what you want to say in the comment below
- Can we Simplify the process especially for teachers?
- can those requests go by default to tech facilitator?
- Expand software install on Kace?
- Kevin--next month we will have a deeper agenda item for Kace we are short on time today
- Can we get Comments to show up in email?
Instructional updates: Marlo Gaddis / Steven Anderson
Steven's presentation: http://portal.sliderocket.com/AFKUJ/My-Presentation-1_2
Steven's presentation: http://portal.sliderocket.com/AFKUJ/My-Presentation-1_2
- Schoolwires. Winter release/update on March 30th
- Table borders issues will be fixed
- Photo galleries. Used to not work with quotes --that is being fixed
- How do I? tab. Will now have a suggest location
- Post events to "parent" calendars
- Collections have not worked well
- Teachers will now will be able to post to main school calendar without using collections
- Wiki app is now available which is accessible to registered users
- There will be a mobile app now available
Moodle/Spring Workshops
- Short URL: http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/technologypd
- Moodle courses are available for spring
- Two ways people can login
- Old user accounts, email my password doesn't work
- Try Active directory user name and pw--if that doesn't work, just put in a ticket
- All explained on moodle page and email you get when u registered
Free event edcampnc: http://edcampnc.eventbrite.com/
- Raleigh Saturday April 21. Anyone who teaches.
- Opportunity to learn or to teach
- Limited to 200 people, and you need a "ticket"
Summer training
- Promethean July 17 and 18th
- Send information to teachers
Instructional improvement system (iis)
- Way to deliver content to teachers.
- Marlo will post this presentation later
- Four main initiatives
- Learning village is closest thing we have to this
- (PDR) Project deployment road map/NC education cloud
- RFP. Finally went out request for project
- They continue to get request for Kace ticket requesting access
- education version has tripled in resources since November
- Khan academy became very popular request after a 60 minutes story
- ***BIGNEWS***Unblocked for all teachers Monday March 26
- Not access to everything but will be a good start
- You tube for education--How it works?
- School and agencies have to apply. Teachers have to apply to add content
- Teacher finds a great video and embeds in their website and students at school will still not have access at this time
Jackie Pierson
- Need a working tv? Email Jackie with the size and room
- They have some old fashioned tv's in stock
- It is a slow process of redistribution
- Overheads
- Not physically moving them
- Not the "big blues"
- Email Jackie and she will coordinate people requesting or giving them up
- Dead TV's just find a place to store until they find a vendor to take them
Destiny 10 is coming
- Great new features
- Not just cataloging
- Will have a mobile app for android
- Probably app will allow e-reading
- Destiny maybe Down over spring break
- Not expecting any database issues
- Dpi is saying no big Changes
- Media part--Jackie will send FAQ's out
- E-books do count
- Betty Weycker will get us names of contact people for help with AMTR
- Subscriptions don't count in book counts
- Panthers with wireless issues? Jackie will follow up on that
- Can still be used for inventory
Betty/Alert Now
- Connect 5 is new version of alert now
- Eva Palmer is here if we want more info
- Alert now is many things:
- Attendance calls
- Has email capability
- Highly recommended to any parent groups you can ask for email version. You can use HTML version
- Blackboard bought alert now an connect 5
- In order to make conversion, Betty needs to know users and additional numbers and Any replied to email accounts
- Betty thinks we will like this so much better
Classroom solutions
- $750,000 has been awarded for classroom solution.
- Board is still convinced and so our the county commissioners
- There is sense of urgency/so every school gets them
- Full solution includes:
- Teaching station
- Sound
- Doc camera
- Clickers
- Some people say they don't need sound
- Number one research item says sound is what makes the difference
- Currently 1301 classrooms in the district are done
- 1700 more to do
- Last year they had $200,000 to spend for the matching funds grant/This year $700,000
- Has not gone to commissioners yet
- 16 schools last year applied
- Interest survey for matching funds will be collected first of April
- Then, assessments will happen in April and May
- By end of June money must be in hand
- Some PTA money has to be spent by June 1st, and this will be perfect for that
- Could be a two to one or one to one
- Title one as a match?
- Worst case is one to one funding
- Only for classroom solutions not wireless labs
- Last year they required the matching funds at least be for some components of classroom solution/May do same this year
- Betty believes and people concur--if tech tools are not in the hands of an individual teacher, they will not be used--in other words sharing rarely works
- More cost effective and efficient to do total solution
- In May the decision to go forward with the bond will be decided
- Has to be made sustainable by first getting all classrooms done now
- So what do you say to the principal who says: why not wait and see if the bond passes?
- Also good to get some in place now and get some teachers to start immediately and get on the bandwagon going
- Dr Martin gets the point on sound
2014 BYOD
- Tools of classroom solution prepares teachers for that environment
- Assessment through self paced response?
Having a true tech facilitator at each school?
- not even an option on the table this year for additional personnel :(
They are doing a "Smackdown" like Steven did at Ncties with Richard Byrne at Ncties/Sharing of best practices:
- Marlo. App
- X construction lite. Build a bridge app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.hms.xconstruction&hl=en
- Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/
- common core pin, Classroom management, Quotes: http://wsfcsintouch.blogspot.com/2012/02/are-you-addicted-yet.html
- Steven: evernote
- Handy tool check out his blog on it. http://wsfcsintouch.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-things-changed-with-evernote.html
- Screencastomatic: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/
- Steven uses on email training videos
- Theresa--Digital citizenship agreement when starting edmodo
- Marlo has access will post on tech facilitator portal
- Doreen: Studyblue flashcard also works in edmodo: http://www.studyblue.com/
- Richard Byrne says you can search for other created flash cards
- Math snacks on blog that Marty Creech wrote a blog about it: http://wsfcsintouch.blogspot.com/2012/03/are-you-hungry-for-learning.html
- Livebinders one on common core. Search for it
- Edmodo now can synch with google docs: http://blog.edmodo.com/2012/03/16/google-docs-integration-is-now-available/
- Learning communities
- Now there are topics with subjects
- Books source classroom organizer: http://classroom.booksource.com/
- Mangahigh.com math site: http://www.mangahigh.com/en_us/?localeset=en_us
- Promethian active table
- Video Marlo showed
- Jeanne: http://cyberkidzgames.com/
- Symbaloo common core: http://nagel.symbaloo.com/mix/commoncore