Poll everywhere
Text 1245347 and your message to 37607 for questions
New Laptop carts
- Kevin will send an email with quantity
- About 1 laptop for every 4.5 kids
- So take your 6 and 7th graders and divide by 4.5
- Should arrive around Christmas break
- They used to have computrace on them
- It is about $60.00 per laptop for a 5 year license
- For the new laptops they are etching the WSFCS logo on the laptops
- They have recovered about 20 machines so far this year, but is it worth the $60.00 per machine?
- The x-131's that have already been purchased, will still have computrace on them
- With the 11000 laptops, we got a deal and the carts were included
RUA: Responsible Use Agreement
- It's been a bit of a challenge
- Continue to work with your principal to get those back in
- They are not locking accounts from the district level (school level decision)
- Angie Wallace can send you more copies of the purple forms if needed
- There should be a check box in Power School for Data managers to mark if the form has been returned
- Sandy Holt--could the Picture opt out be included?
- They may need to communicate again with Theo Helm about Photo Opt out form
- Digital Safety Resources http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/82963
New Repair Process
- Starts December 1
- technicians will be coming out to the schools and you need to identify and area for the techs to work on computers that previously were sent in for repair
- For now, Put the location in the body of the School Dude ticket
- What about CTE?
- Gloria Padgett will do things the way they were done before
School Dude Work order system:
- Are teachers not using it? Some keeping spreadsheets?
- Emphasize with Principals the work order system
- Any time you can document your workload, then do it
- Suggestion to put in ABC (already been corrected) ticket to help document your workload
- Someone else suggested Tech Facilitator could put in a ticket at the end of the day with all those small miscellaneous items that don't warrant a written up ticket
- Icon on the desktop for school dude?
- Erin Mulhern? to Kevin--Send Joan the information about Tech Facilitator having to go back in to school dude request and change the responsible party when they submit a ticket in their name
- Bottom line is that the volume of workload needs to be documented (not put in spreadsheets for example)
- "Equipment request field" (no flexibility right now) but working with school dude and perhaps later
Share point /Jonathan Hoff
- NC secure browser: https://center.ncsu.edu/nc/mod/page/view.php?id=515171
- It is not on the new image because the state can never decide on a version
- Will need to be installed through AICP
- Next year testing on a secure browser will be a google chrome plug in
- We will go to chrome store (not google play)
- Type in nctest
- You will need to be up to date on Chrome version
- John Hoff will be working on how we should be updating chrome
- You can go in as a regular user and download latest chrome for now
Chris's printer request for information
- How many people going to IP printing instead of Trac?
- Chris sent out a survey: http://bit.ly/1zstgm9
- Need to be aware of some of the problems with IP printing
- IP printing can't track any documentation on printing if using IP address
- The reason for using the IP printing, is the old printer and the 64 bit machines
- A lot of the older printers don't have a 64 bit driver
- Most of them should have the right driver on them now
- In Utilities: There is a "spooler fix" for teachers
- Can't fix something they don't know about, so let them know if you are still having issues
- Be better to try the TRAC printer Utility again
They are still trying to find the best way to communicate (blog?)
Share point /Joan Proffitt
- Office 365 on the web
- Go to Sites
- Tech facilitator site (or search)
- Knowledge base library is being updated from the old KACE knowledge base and old tech facilitator handbook
- Click on the Knowledge Base number and there are attachments and some have videos
- Issue: Tickets going back to you for more information "Waiting for more information)
- They are starting to use New message that will generate an email
- Chris has asked that the message center notes be added to journal notes
- If not been heard from within three days, then they might close the ticket (you can open it back up if necessary)
- That's why they are asking department to use the message center and it generates an email
- Issue: At schools with multiple Tech Facilitators, then one person to go through emails
Jim Mendoza:
- Browser Analogy--In cooking people use different pots for different items-- same with browser
- Chris is working on a matrix to determine which browser to use which applications
- Power Point from Jim on YouTube
- You tube quality
- They are working to improve video quality playback
- Starting to publish playlists for tech facilitators
- Jim is now making high quality videos and Playlists
- In YouTube: If you see a little star, that's an indicator
- if no HD in red above then its not filmed in high definition
- School net assessments
- e-studios if the machines end in 5, 6, 7 then can be used as a scanner (copiers)
- Curriculum coordinators will be trained this month
- Students will login to Schoolnet
- Tech Facilitators will getting test coordinator access
- Will not be an H drive next year
- They can map a drive like the H drive to one drive next year
- Will only work in IE 9, 10, and 11
- If you don't have one of those versions, then you might have to do copying from another machine
- Should not be an issue for the x-131 teacher laptops
- Have to have hot fix patch installed from utilities
- One note use and support is going to increase and best used with outlook version preferably office 2013
- Never install Outlook 2013 "on top of" any other version of Office
- A ton of new server equipment has been arriving--system center is coming with i
- Hopefully by January it will be automated process.
Heather Horton:
Found in:
- Share point
- presentations
- instructional
- Administrative services (yellow)
- technology services
- Apps for IPADS have to be reviewed by MTAC committee
- MTAC can approve some things without district approval
- District approvals for software/apps will happen in January April, July and October
- Exception for right now since this is a new process (she will work on some things in November)
- Need to go through this process before PO money has been sent
- Put it through if you know if even for next year.
- Someone at school has to "own it"
- If the software needs installed on all the laptops, has to be tested.
- If more than $500 then definitely needs to go through this process
- If students don't need anymore data than email, user name and pw, then it should be good to go.
- If they have to test it they need the license information etc.
- If data is needed, let central office generate the csv file
- try and get vendors to help with the data
- Has to be a contract in place with the company to not use the data (student)
- Tech Facilitators took quiz on guidelines for submitting items to software approval process and copyright
- School wires site is a public site and posting stuff even things they purchased, does not make it okay in terms of copyright
- No sports logos for example.
- Teachers could also post things in edmodo since it is pw protected
- Teachers could also search creative commons: https://creativecommons.org/
- Free app, free website
- can get the cards on amazon for $20
- You could also can print on card stoc
Tech facilitators discussed the pros and cons that they are seeing with BYOD in the schools right now.