New Folks..
Mike Shore at Kingswood
Jenna Bass At Oldtown
ASW—Analysis of Student Work--Leslie Baldwin
- Leslie represents Foreign Language but is here today representing Encore and to talk about how teachers will document their standard 6 growth measure
- Teachers will need to collect audio and video evidence and upload it in May and June
- Video: size limit, 10 MB which is small and therefore we might be asked to help compress it or edit it?
- Audacity maybe the best bet for audio recording
- In order to show growth on objective 6, teachers might have to do two videos
- We and the tech department are here to provide additional support
- They are providing a Gallery device for schools to use for video taping
- They are wifi only, but you can connect a usb to a laptop and pull the video off
- A compression utility: free make video compression utility:
- Chris has put the compression Program it on the AICP for installation
- One suggestion was if the video was on Youtube, you could record the video with a phone
- Encourage your teachers to upload as soon as the window for uploading starts
- Screencast-o-matic—idea from Sam Walker
Topics for today: Sessions starting at 9:25, 10:10 11:15, 1:30, 2:20
- One note 233
- I-pads in Classroom 219
- E-studio 221
- Ipad setup IRC
- Technical Q and A in 223, then 221 PM
You-tube Access:
- They are going to open up You-tube to high school students in order to document our need for more bandwidth
- MCNC needs to see traffic of 1.6GB or greater to get authorized for an increase in bandwidth
- Will need to enforce safe search to protect students but this will affect teachers as well and may block some videos for teachers that previously were available—
- Teachers can use a work around via google chrome:
- Chris created a video for it last night—tech facilitator sharepoint site-misc help videos:
- User agent switcher for google chrome--takes you to
- (students have that blocked)
- If videos are not tagged or tagged for something that is blocked then they will be blocked for all users
Cloud Computing: Google Apps/One note/office 365 one drive
- Not getting rid of Shared drives until later
- Issues with sharing Flip Charts on the one drive does not work
Heather Harmon:
- Same MS email account will work with google docs
- They are developing a resource site from WSFCS
- Put support for office 365 and google all in one place. Used to be a separate site for google resources
- This will be available to students and teachers
Link is on this presentation:{2A185FCF-BEBD-47EF-ADCF-E528CBC127B1}&file=TF%20Meeting%20March%2019,%202015.pptx&action=default
- Resetting passwords for Google accounts will require students to be prompted to change password for active directory but they will be allowed to use the same password
- For some schools (google schools) this will be happening on Monday—students and staff
- Google drives are pretty much unlimited
- Email will be sent out Friday (3/20) "warning" those schools
- Password reset will happen sometime on Sunday night
- Other schools will be brought on as a school by school basis during the next few weeks
Mike McDowell from Jefferson Middle is the winner of the NCTIES Teacher of the Year! (Showed a video of him)
Miscellaneous items
Miscellaneous items
- Video for adding the NCTEST App for google chrome
- Under misc help videos
- Parents are calling to get student access to emails and asking to change their password—they are not honoring that request
- IT direct tickets--make sure you are reassigning to service desk
- Thinkpads--Image with an 11e had a problem with USB drivers-- they have fixed that image now on all servers
- Ipad Air Watch Issue: What was happening --When folks signed into air watch on the i pads, it would take you to app screen and never went to the correct screen
- They have had to do a full reset, and they have had to take an iPad around to the schools to troubleshoot
- Clever: does a great job at managing student data and various apps for sign on etc.
- Things like achieve 3000, lexia. Here is the link:
- log-in for apps
One Note: Marty Creech:
- Great product of Microsoft
- During setup you might have to create an outside personal hot mail/Microsoft account and then go into the settings of the account and add an account to do the wsfcs
- Lots of capability with ONE note
- Could share notebooks with staff members (PLT's, meetings, etc.)
- You can add a link, a clip, a screen clipping
- You can right click on a picture and you can choose "ALT text" to get the text out of that
- You Can create a read aloud document
- Can record an audio piece
- Can do a search that will include audio or text
- There is a built in calculator
IPAD session with Heather Harmon
- Presentation:
- Common Problems with authenticating and connecting to the WSFCS public domain: One suggestion if problems is to go to: settings and forget network and reconnect to force the certificate
- THE APP catalog on air watch is installed on all ipads
- There are Install issues right now with air watch, but app store is working right now
- Please involve Harmon in helping with your IPAD decisions at your school
- Approval of APPS only needs approval if more than $500, otherwise go through MTAC
- If not this year, start next year
Question and Answer--Tech troubleshooting, Justin Richy
- Carla Miller was telling us how at NCET, they do a session of sharing called Tips and Tricks
- Missing drop down issue on school websites--short answer for right now is to open another tab or close and re-open the browser
- School wires update caused this? not sure yet
- Logins issues? no servers available and have to re-add machine to the domain--has been reported more commonly lately
- Home folder agent for new students doesn't always run, and you will have to put in a ticket and have those students "bounced"
- Save issue on the new laptops --Default location saves to a temporary location on the local hard drive—they are working on that issue. Students should navigate to computer and their location on the server
- Recycle bin issue--not being able to empty--working on that
- MS Clip art—Is online and hosted through Bing so clip art won’t work because of the blocking issue with our district and Bing
- UNAV sensitive mouse pad, KB0024
- Cracked screens with laptops—damaged—school will have to pay
- Will work with us on accidents but overt damage school will have to pay
- Trust relationship issues and computers not logging on--they have become more aware of that issue and They are working on it
- Slow log ins? Possibly caused by abundance of profiles? Profile sweeps can be put in login scripts If we request--Bomb prof be used to clean computers manually
Jim Mendoza; E-studio and SCAN-IT
- Video on working with Scan it:
- The training documents will be available on google docs.
- Tech Facilitators can "claim their google account" using their wsfcs email address. This IS NOT available to teachers yet--they will be rolling that out for them
- Tech Facilitators can install SCAN it from the AICP and it's recommended that we install it only on laptops or computers in the vicinity of the Toshiba Copiers
- Follow the directions in the video or the documentation for configuring SCAN IT
- When you launch SCAN it, if the pop up with the Control screen goes away quickly, you have to maximize the screen fast and choose allow
- Scan sheets are placed FACE UP with the bottom facing your body
- Always Print "AS IS" don't shrink print out of scan sheets
- You can save the test file to a USB drive as a back up and print for online tests
- When configuring SCAN IT, and discovering, the laptop and Toshiba need to be on the same VLAN (follow the video instructions)
- Bubble sheets will not print if there is an "Enhanced question" on the test
Overview of Airwatch with Jennifer Ellington
- Presentation from Jennifer Ellington
- Tech Facilitators will all eventually get an air watch account to be able to help administer airwatch
- Currently close to 4000 devices under air-watch
- Purpose of Air-watch is to distribute approved apps, and supervise device use over the air
- Zone techs will set up I-pads if you order
- If you order, be sure you order through the School System so they are configured correctly--If Doners want to give you ipads, have them write a check instead of buying ipads
- Device Enrollment Program
- Teacher ipad setup and other instructions for Ipad setup are all documented on the Knowledge base, KB0052
- Ipads should be bar coded at the schools and managed with destiny inventory
- If you have a speech teacher using them and there are questions, talk with Susan in EC
- Encourage Teachers to use wsfcs email address to set up apple ID
- There is a generic user for media accounts at all the schools and that same user (ie: has an email address
- Volume Purchase Apps
- Common issues with IPADS: light speed issues
- forgotten Apple ID and passwords