- Betty Weycker: Next year focus by Bullying Committee will be on cyber bullying
- Ali Tomberlin will be here to share legal updates.
- New texting policy
Personnel Updates
- Victoria from downtown school had a baby.
- Ruth Wilcox is transferring to Paisley Middle School
- No one new or leaving?
End of year wrap up on Connect your Community (CYC) --Computer distribution Program Cathy
- Biggest computer distribution last Friday-- 112
- 1000 children now have computers at home, and many more parents are computer literate
- 1535 computer graduates
- Let parents and teachers know that there will continue to be free computer classes through Winstonnet http://forsythcomputertraining.org/
- Trainers have all been unemployed or under-employed
Carla Miller—technical updates
- Printers: auditing software is NOT in place now—so we can’t tell which computers printed to what printer at this point.
- End of year—try and leave printers up and plugged into the same port as they are currently plugged into now because of VLAN issues, and the printer management
- Computers put up over the summer—up to schools at how to handle
Race to the top update:
- Some trailers do not have access points—all trailers will have an access point in them—all parts have now arrived.
- E-rate schools—changing out switch gear—waiting until after staff leaves—she will be in contact with the school affected
Kevin: Printing issues:
- last year SSO, this year windows active directory server 2008
- Now through print utility through print management console—it’s about 50%-75% successful
- Issues with printing and student printing?
- Found that there is basically no reason to use print servers
- The alternative is: "TCPIP" printing: Each machine is set up on a TCPIP printer port-- Nothing profile related. (Downs: I already add printers this way when I could not get a machine to work right with print server: http://tjmstechtips.blogspot.com/2010/04/printing-troubleshootingadding-local-ip.html )
- Chris feels like it can be done through a script—It is the most basic, simple way to print
- It would be a one time script that runs on machines
- The print management console will still be used to add printers this way.
- Will we be able to audit print jobs if we switch to this management method? YES
- Print auditing: requires a third party piece of software that costs money
- Should DOT give you the tool? But is there enough support for this—needs more discussion. Maybe a principal meeting discussion if there is a high need
- Printing should not be this hard! Maybe over-managed it?
- When we switch over, DOT will send out a team to schools
True guest wireless
- How to get a guest on the wireless network
- We have controller based managed wireless network
- For guest access, each school will receive a guest access user name such as "516guest"
- They will issue temporary passwords—for 24 hours generally
- You can put in a ticket or call the help desk and they will email you the information for the guest log-in
- Users will have student filtering applied.
- No access to printers.
- Best policy is still probably for guests to have presentations on a thumb drive
- The guest will have to connect to WSFCS_GUEST not WSFCS_Managed
- This is for vendors, parents, presenters, etc. who come into your school for temporary circumstances—This will be live in August
Accelerated Reader/Renaissance Product:
- Are going to web-based only product. The support of server client environments will continue for one more year, but after that, DOT and vendor will no longer support that AR product (server)
- Glenda Graham retired and Sherry Reich has been promoted to that position, so Sherry will not be working much with AR much anymore
- Marlo made the point that this might be a natural time to move away from this since the research shows it is NOT proven to be effective for student learning
- Kevin/Betty/Marlo have to discuss with instructional the best product that could be offered as an alternative
- AR not going away, it’s just going to the web version, and you will need to buy the support for it.
- Server version of AR should still work, but don’t ask DOT if it stops working after next year.
Joan Proffitt: AMTR FAQ
questions have been updated and will be uploaded to web-portal:
- If you have password problems, put in a KACE ticket or Joan.
- Don’t forget to count cafeteria computers
- 101/102 Pentium questions: Most with R are a four and higher
- Galaxy tabs go under 109—net-book or a mini
- 114: PALM for dibbles
- New smart phones go under 124 DROID
- CPS each clicker gets counted
- Number of teachers—certified classroom teachers
- 50% at one school verses another—you can count .5
- Guidance counselor and CC can be counted as a teacher if they go into classrooms and teach
- 409—Video streaming--Learn 360 and YouTube for education
- 604—WAN connection—MS/HS, up to a 1000mb is 1GB
- 618 average RAM--kinda of a crazy question, but most schools probably average 512 MB of RAM though some schools with many newer computers may average 1 GB
Re-image machines—Help ?
- If you are willing to do this with your principal's approval—volunteer? Carla will have a team to help you—images will be the latest
- Will not do classroom solution machines nor office machines
- T400—issue with monitor driver for CPS (Mike getting to Evan)
- Profile sweeps usually the third week of May
- 4GB of memory with windows 7
- Pricing these out (just bought 60 of them)
- Ready to put on the price list
- About $40 more expensive
- A set of 24 with the managed cart is about $100 cheaper
- Cart for these holds 32
Thin Client machines—still testing the idea of turning old
net vista into those machines—still viable—can’t go hog wild because of band
width issues.
IE8: Is available on AICP
- You can also try a handful of machines using KACE—send Chris or Kevin an email if you would like to try that on a handful of machines at one time
- New images will have IE8
Debbie Harmon: End of
Year updates
- K2 assessment moved into SAS (link on teacher web portal—under links)
- brings them to SAS log-on screen—tied to their network user name and password
- What they learned, when more than 15 students on the main screen in order to refresh it was timing out in IE7, but worked great in IE8
- Now, all students are on one page
- Problems really seem to happen when there are more than 16 students in on-screen view and IE8 should help
- There is no requirement to print. But they’re may be issues
- Harmon can provide all the data to CC’s
NCWISE, other
- Tam document—departments/ncwise/tam user guides: http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/45268
- There is an elementary end of year marks calculation
- Comments should be added to the final marks not 4th 9 weeks
- MS/HS document will be up next week
Policy change on the EOG counting as 25% (now is 20%) Ncwise can not change that percent--Principals said they had it "worked out"
- Summer stuff—Promethian--
- June sweep on June 14th and 15th: http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/56986
BYLD—"Bring your learning device"
- Cherokee County, Georgia piloted this in the spring—was all voluntary
- Kevin—the instructional part is an important issue to address. What would you do with the devices?
- To put training in perspective, In Cherokee County, when teachers get a classroom solution, they have to attend 100 hours of training (our teacher balk at 3 hours)
- In terms of devices there, anything that can access the web is what this district allowed
- Parents would have to think about how they would help student get connected to the network at school
- Late this summer, Betty will share with principals, but will start with a pilot (not a whole lot to tell yet about how the pilot would look)
- Will look at how to teach, how to manage them, and then hopefully a district wide model later next school year
- Cherokee is very willing to share all their information including suggested ideas for teachers
- Marlo’s last instructional meeting—Thank you!
- New director of instructional technology—Steven Anderson
- Keep in touch with Marlo:
- mrhgaddis
"Setting the Tone: A
Connected School Approach to Creating Bully-Free Classrooms"
- Cyber-bullying has recently come on as a big issue—
- Glenn Smith is here today..works with inmates, instructor of applied control theory.
- President of: www.be-print.net
- Wrote this book to continue to publicize bullying—it goes on not just in schools but at home and in the workplace
- Another reason other than awareness, is to offer ideas of what to do about it.
- Intimidating the intimidator or rescuing the victim is not always the way
- Hurting people that hurt people is not the way to change behavior
- Internal change comes from building relationships/setting the tone/ building a community /moving beyond tolerance to acceptance to honoring differences/ learning to respect differences
- Articles/documents on cyber-bullying will be made available by DOT:
- ¼ teens are bullied with 40% of it is happening on-line
- Disconnect between what parents grasp as a problem and what students face is large
- "RIP"—repeated, intentional, Power-based
- Bullying is repeated usually by the same person
- Intentional: causes distress “a tone” –that transmits blame or shame
- It doesn’t matter how you hear yourself it’s how others hear that tone
- Power based -- to gain control in a negative way
- What better way when the person can do it anonymously (on the internet)
- #1 abusers on the internet (60-65%) were conducted by women
- One way to give up anger is to give up caring
How are we helping people who make mistakes?
- We can’t really “protect” the victims: We can’t always be there for them—it’s to help them be who they want to be.
- Become a facilitator not a rescuer.
- Not going to catch all the cyber bullies—have to get students involved in policing themselves
- The schools that are more into punitive and reward systems have more incidences of violence and bullying
- "What do I get if I do, what happens to me if I don’t"
- Punishment and Reward systems do not work too well? Who can we can control? Only ourselves.
- Its about agreements and accountability.
What is your school and what is your focus at your school?
- Punishment and reward vs Agreements and Accountability
- You want people to do the right thing when people are not looking.
- Setting the tone with agreements—facilitating self evaluation.
Rachel’s challenge is a good resource: http://www.rachelschallenge.org/LearnMore/WhatIsRC.php
- Continue to communicate and stay connected to students
- Taking pictures and distorting them is one of the most common things now.
- Create and discuss family agreements
- Educate that posting is permanent, sexting is a felony if under 16:
- Hold teens accountable to the agreements
- questions to Glenn Smith, his email address is reactnot@aol.com. Be-Print's web link is http://be-print.net
Read the book over the summer: Setting the Tone: http://www.amazon.com/Setting-Tone-Bully-free-Classrooms-ebook/dp/B006WWGWK2
Ali Tomberlin, General Counsel to School Board:
Legal duties of teachers/acceptable use policies: (Here is the Power Point she showed):
- Legal duties: fall under NC general statue—applies to anyone in the classroom, period.
- There is a duty to report
NCGS 115C-307: http://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_115c/gs_115c-307.html
- “Make required reports” is the one that is a misdemeanor and can constitutes the loss of a teacher license
- Take care of school building—watching kids abuse computers etc when teachers are frivolous about signing out computers
State Board of education Policy Administrative Code
- If teacher is charged with a crime, you are required to report to a supervisor within 5 days—only exception is minor motor vehicle violation.
- WSFCS expands rules to all employees:
- Showed a past personnel discipline decisions
Intellectual Property
- NC state law: 132-1
- Admin regulation 6161.1
On personal advertising distribution of sales information on
teacher websites is prohibited
Acceptable Use Policies 6161.1
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