Saturday, January 30, 2010

Twitter as an Educational Resource

For those of you who know me, I have been "bragging" lately about Twitter not so much as a social networking site, but as an educational resource site. Here are two articles 9 reasons why teachers should use twitter and another article for teachers using twitter, and 100 classroom uses for twitter and another one about more and more teachers using twitter.

My friend Emory Maiden is the main reason for this change in my viewpoint.  Emory tweets hundreds of educational resources, and I look at them and evaluate whether or not they might be valuable to our teachers.  I am thinking about blogging my "top tweets of the week" so that I can share with teachers who are not on twitter.  I know that kinda defeats the point of twitter but I also know for some people they just won't ever get on twitter, but they might look here and find something cool.

Here's a bunch of things I found on twitter this week:

Spelling City ( (For Language Arts/Foreign Language Arts teachers--It might be a fun thing to suggest your students use to practice their spelling words...(Here's a little video of how it works)

More Graphic Organizers (

Diigo ( ) is a on-line way of organizing "favorite links", tagging and sharing sites but has additional features that make networking and organising even better.

Parenting tips for computer use by your kids ( )

10 Mainly Electronic Items NOT TO BUY in the next decade: ( )

For those of you who try and reach me, best way is to text me or facebook me, this is why I hardly ever check my voicemail:

Thinking about Apple's latest innovation, the I-PAD? 5 reasons to wait:

Top Educational blogs (I don't see mine on the list!) I am so disappointed :(


Here is a list of folks on twitter with backgrounds in education and or technology:

1 comment:

  1. John,
    Thanks for the mention - I'm honored to be included in your post.
    I totally agree with your assertion of twitter as a learning tool and have benefited a great deal from the sharing of other educators.
    And I don't think your blogging about twitter resources defeats the power - because the "sharing" is really what it's all about.
    Thanks for your post and the attention you bring to using this tool in our schools.
